녹아웃(KO) 마우스 | Cyagen Korea

Knock-Out 세포주

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Knockout Cell Lines
Using CRISPR/Pro technology, we disable the gene of interest by the removal of large fragments of the gene instead of the introduction of a frameshift mutation, which will make sure the complete loss of gene function. Cyagen is the world`s leading provider of custom genome editing services. Leverage our experts and optimized CRISPR/Pro cell line modeling service platform CRISPR-Pro for a hassle-free research. CRISPR-Pro enables large fragments excision or correct mutations in various cell lines.
◆ Workflow


◆ Variety of cell lines

Cancer cells, hard-to-transfect cells, stem cells and more.


◆ Advantages of large fragment knockout

Our CRISPR-Pro technology can bring paired gRNAs by which large fragment deletion can be obtained. Compared with frameshift mutations, the removal of large fragments of the gene is more efficient and straight-forward.


Large fragment KO

Frameshift mutation
Plasmid electroporation

Lentivirus transduction

Plasmid electroporation Lentivirus transduction

Complete deletion of large fragment enables inactivation for all transcripts, much likely including unknown transcripts as well.

Transcripts from downstream and some unknown transcripts may not be affected.
Deletion Limit

Large fragments

One or several base pairs

Easy by PCR assays

Sequencing needed

If Virus Packaging Needed No


No Yes
Turnaround 2~3 months

3~5 months

2~3 months 3~5 months



◆ Why work with Cyagen?
  • Guaranteed: 100% money back guarantee
  • Reliable: Complete loss of gene function
  • Short timeline: As fast as 2 months
  • Substantial experience: Over 13 yearsof experience with thousands of gene editing projects delivered.
  • Optimized technology: By using optimized CRISPR/Cas9 technology CRISPR-Pro, the removal of large fragments of the gene can be achieved.
  • Customer citations: Over 2,400 publications citing our services and products.


◆ Inquiries and quote requests

Request a quote now. Alternatively, you can always email [email protected] to inquire about our services or obtain a quote for your project.

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